E.G.M 2023

 South Essex Branch EGM 11/10/2023

 Held at The Old Windmill Hanningfield 

Present : Amanda Dawson (Chair), John Stone (Branch Secretary), Chris O’May (Scribe) ,Alan Jannaway (Treasurer), Stuart Strauss (Social Sub Committee), Julian Strauss (Social Sub Committee) , Phil Digby (Social Sub Committee), Ian Parfett (Social Sub Committee), Janet Jannaway, Peter & Lorraine Breading, Peter Healy, Paul Healy, Douglas Chapman, Lynn Roberts, Sandra Neal, Michelle Hadfield-Digby, Paul & Louise Vincent, Martin & Jenna Rayner, Roger Halliday, Alan Buxton, Phil Solly, Keith Balsham.

 The meeting started promptly at 7:45pm and Amanda gave the names of those nominated for branch posts. These were Alan J for Treasurer, elected unanimously. Then it was announced by Amanda that Mason had had to resign as Social Secretary due to living to far from branch activities to play any meaningful part in branch events. We therefore had nominated Julian S, Stuart S, and Ian P to form a Social Sub Committee they were elected unopposed. Phil D asked from the floor if he could be part of the committee this to was agreed unopposed. 

AOB, It was agreed to have a further meeting on Wednesday 18/10 at the Smugglers Arms Hullbridge start 7:pm.Business ended at 8:05pm

Minutes prepared by Chris O’May (15/10/2023)