In the event of any dispute involving rules the National Triumph Owner’s Motor
Cycle Club Rules shall take precedent. Triumph Owner’s Motorcycle Club South
Essex rules should therefore be read in conjunction with the National rules.
1, NAME:
1.1 “The Triumph Owner’s Motorcycle Club South Essex” shall be the official name of the organisation: hereinafter called the Club
1.2 The aims and objects of the Club are to provide the opportunity for owners of Triumph motor cycles to meet in a spirit of friendship and to promote Triumph motor cycling.
2.1 As per National rules, plus; All grades of membership shall conduct themselves in a friendly and social manor towards other members and at no time demonstrate behaviour that could bring the club and its members into disrepute
2.2 Membership shall be as described in the National rules.
(1) The officers of the Club shall comprise: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Secretary/secretary’s and Scribe. Other members may be appointed for additional roles including Chairperson’s Delegate to ensure that the Chairperson fulfils his/her duty set out in 4.2, The position of Chairperson’s Delegate with be a non-executive role. With the appointee’s agreement and at the discretion of the committee, the Chairperson’s Delegate shall be appointed at the annual general meeting (AGM).
(2) The elected Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Secretary and Scribe shall automatically form the Club Committee.
(3) The Club Officers shall be fully responsible for all duties of the office they hold and for the effect of their actions on the Club image as described in the National rules and section 4 and 5.
(4) Where there is an absence of volunteers for position of office, a club officer may hold more than one position.
(5) A Club Officer may also volunteer for a particular second position of office
even if there is one or more volunteers for the position. The decision of who is most suitable for the position and would benefit the club most shall be made by vote of members present at the AGM.
3.2 All officers shall retire annually at the date of the AGM.
3.3 All officers shall be elected at the AGM by a vote of the members present.
3.4 The Club Officers shall meet, when necessary, at such time and place they may determine.
3.5 These Officers can if they wish claim for using private vehicles in conjunction with their duties as an Officer (excluding Annual General Meetings), providing the:
(1) Journey undertaken is solely in connection with the Officers official capacity.
(2) The mileage claimed is from the Officers home to the venue and return by the shortest practical route.
3.6 Only Club officers may commit the Club to expenditure. However, Club officers may not commit the Club to expenditure of more than £100 without prior approval of a quorum of the committee, 3 being the majority of the Club committee of 5 club officers, which is agreed by the committee to be the quorum for club purposes. Where a Club Officer / Committee member holds more than one position of office, that officer shall temporarily appoint a member(s) as his delegate for voting purposes to ensure quorum votes are independent.
4.1 The Club shall meet for social activities the second Wednesday of each calendar month at the location advertised in the Nacelle, but may meet at other locations on the other Wednesday. The Secretary shall be responsible for notification of any other arranged meetings or social event at least 7 days prior to the date of the meeting or social event.
4.2 At committee meetings the Chairperson or duly agreed delegate /Committee member shall preside at all meetings and have a casting vote only. The proper conduct of the meeting is the responsibility of the Chairperson. The Secretary shall be responsible for the recording of any minutes of meetings in a book kept for this purpose and for submitting reports of significant meetings to the Scribe for inclusion by the Scribe in the Club magazine. Any decision required at the meeting shall be by a vote of committee members present at the meeting. Such voting shall be by a show of hands. Voting shall be on the basis of one vote per voting member.
4.3 . The AGM of all members shall be held in the later part of January each year. At the discretion of the Committee. All full, associate and past members shall receive from the Secretary, the agenda prior to the
meeting. A copy of the minutes, a statement of income and expenditure and balance sheet shall be issued to all full, associate and past members post AGM meeting. Propositions for inclusion in the agenda must be in the hands of the Secretary 28 full days prior to the date of the meeting. Nominations for all Club Officials must be in the hands of the Secretary 28 full days prior to the date of the meeting. All propositions and nominations must be made in writing and bear the membership number, signature and address of the proposer and seconder. Nominations may only be made with the consent of the nominee. The proposer and seconder of a proposition submitted for the AGM shall both be in attendance. In the event of only one being present a second person shall be nominated to speak on the proposition. If neither proposer nor seconder is present, the proposition will be declared invalid. It may be discussed at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Meeting.
5.1 For the purpose of the Club accounts, the financial Year shall be deemed to end on December 31st of each year to align with the National Club end of financial year. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the correct maintenance of the books of accounts to show all income and expenditure together with a list of assets and their location. All monies received must be paid into a duly accredited Bank under the name of “The Triumph Owners’ Motorcycle Club South Essex”. All payments made by the club can be by cheque, cash, debit card, or bank transfer
5.2 The Treasure may hold a petty cash float of £50
5.3 Professional Auditor may be retained to audit the Club accounts at the discretion of the committee.
6.1 Club rules shall be reviewed annually by the committee as individuals before the end of November each year. Any proposals for change shall be presented via email to the committee before the end of November each year. Club Rules shall form part of the AGM agenda and any proposed changes shall be discussed at the AGM. Acceptance or rejection of any proposed changes shall be by vote of attendees
6.2 Otherwise as National rules.
The above Club rules are as agreed by Club Committee and attending members and associates during the Annual General Meeting 17 January 2024
The custodian of this document is the Triumph Owners Motorcycle Club South Essex Chairperson