AGM      17/1/24      The Royal Oak

Those present John Stone, Amanda Dawson, Ian Parfett, Stuart Strauss, Julian Strauss, Chris O’May, Alan Jannaway, Janet Jannaway, Phil Digby, Roger Halliday, Lynn Roberts, Peter Healy, Paul Healy, Peter Breading, Lorraine Breading, Darrin Thompson, Jim Dormer, Alan Buxton, Keith Balsham

The meeting itself followed the agenda.

There were no apologies, no correspondence and no matters arising from last year’s AGM.

The minutes from the previous AGM were accepted.

Amanda D (outgoing Chair) addressed the meeting with her valedictorian speech revieing her time as Chair. Amanda thanked those who had supported her during her time as chair. She also asked for our thoughts and prayers for those who had suffered ill health. Injury, and loss during proceeding year.

Amanda also apologised for missing the Treffen due to ill health. And thanked John S for leading the ride in her absence. Amanda continued with her report on her year by commenting on her experience at the national AGM and that she felt that the top table were less than accommodating to the views of the general membership.

She hoped the branch would be stronger and even more active due to the input from new Committee members. The meeting acknowledged Amanda’s time as chair with a vote of thanks and a warm round of applause.

Branch Secretary (John Stone) observed it had been an eventful year. The membership stands at 107 with 8 associate members. We hope to recruit new members during the coming year.

John stated he was pleased we had a new venue for the Treffen, and that the new core committee would increase the popularity of the club.

Treasurer (Alan Jannaway) The Treasurer reported that getting the bank account to function in a workable fashion had been problematic. Alan observed that due in no small part to Heidi’s good management of the books the change to himself as Treasurer had been relatively smooth.

The accounts are being further audited by Nick Grant (club member and accountant).

Should anyone wish to further inspect the accounts they should contact Alan directly.

Scribe (Chris O’May) Chris stated he still enjoyed working as scribe and he intends to carry on in the post until the branch tiers of him. Chris thanked Roger Halliday for his efforts in putting pictures into the report.

Social committee (Julian and Stuart Strauss, Ian Parffett) The social committee stated that there was at present no calendar of activities but this was work in progress but there will be Sunday breakfast runs and we will probably use various meeting points with the thought that participants may decide to just have breakfast or to go onto a further destination. We hope to make rides more acceptable to members who still work for a living. ROFS runs to continue as they seem very popular. Lynn Roberts asked to join the committee this was agreed to be a good idea and was approved by the meeting.

The present committee then resigned on mass and those who were not going to stand again confirmed this and a vote was taken on the new chair. Only Chris O’May was standing for this post, and he was duly elected. As it is highly unlikely that Chris will be able to attend most meetings and events it was proposed that we have a Vice Chairman and Roger Halliday agreed to stand for this new post. The meeting agreed to this post and that Roger should fill the post.

Agenda Items

Area Representative

Chris O’May spoke on this and explained that the national club has suggested that we have Area Representative this would help communication between branches and the national club. Also to co-ordinate inter branch activities. Our branch would be a south east area and include ourselves all London branches plus Surrey Sussex Kent and other branches around London. So a lot of branches and a big geographical area. This makes it quite a daunting task for one person and therefore not to attractive. Phil Digby stated he may be interested and would give it some consideration.

The Treffen

The meeting agreed the change of venue for the Treffen was a positive.

Otherwise there was as yet no formal event calendar apart from the Treffen, 28/6-30/6. But a series of Sunday and weekly events will be available on the club website (watch this space).


Loraine Breading asked about the shape a Heidi Bushell might take, and suggested we have some form of charitable fund-raising activity. (Subsequently it has been suggested that any award or activity in the name of Heidi Bushell should be run past Tony Bushell).

John S raised the possibility of having a speaker at branch meetings. It was agreed that this is good idea in principle. The committee will look at the practicalities of finding people to act as speaker.

Paul H asked if the WhatsApp could be a little clearer and less populated by jokes of various sorts and wholesomeness. He stated that he found it hard to find in information on the WhatsApp group. Alan J stated that the Harley D club had button to press on phones that took them straight to events only. The meeting thought this might over complicate communication. The committee will look into the issue.

Allan J thanked John Stone on behalf of the branch for carrying the club over the previous years.

The meeting ended at 21:15.